I am very pleased to announce that our Basque language and Basque culture courses can now be taken through Extension as a hybrid version online and/or accessing the class and the instructor directly through the internet – and that they are now open for enrollment. This means that both students at other UCs and other institutions in the US or abroad can now take them either for regular credit towards their degree, or simply for personal interest in Basque language and/or Basque culture (enrichment).

This last option, the enrichment option, is intended especially for members of the community at large who have an interest in Basque studies, but have no time during their work-day or live far away from Santa Barbara, or California, and would therefore not be able to take them in any other form.

The cost of the courses for the community (enrichment option) has been kept low on purpose (210 USD for 30 class hours), to encourage enrollment. Please spread the news and the attachment to this message with the instructions on how to enroll to your email lists. Feel free to contact our Basque lecturer Diana Palenzuela (dpalenzuela@spanport.ucsb.edu) or me (miglio@spanport.ucsb.edu) with any questions about these great new options.

Best regards,